By All Means, I Am Looking To Avoid Drama At All Costs By All Means, I Am Looking To Avoid Drama At All Costs
By All Means, I'm Looking To Avoid Drama At All Costs

By All Means, I'm Looking To Avoid Drama At All Costs

It seems as of late there is so much going on all around me. Personally, professionally, and from a distance... the drama is everywhere.

Even staying up-to-date on popular culture proves to be emotionally taxing. However, I will not entertain even the basic existence of craziness around me.

It sounds easier than it is, but I would argue the opposite. What is easy is getting lost in the problems we create for ourselves and impose on others. This is why it is important to make a concerted effort NOT to get caught up.

It's really not personal.

Personally, it’s almost as though the situations all around us could never be more volatile. Long time relationships are dissolving while others are unexpectedly developing. Things that are on the outside that would seem like small issues somehow turn into immovable mountains.

Anton Daniels avoiding the drama

But I will not participate!

Professionally, what would seem like something easy to fix, turn into a political agenda. Time, money and effort are allocated to unnecessary and avoidable issues. Circumstances become situations and before you know it you are going down a financial rabbit hole.

There have been multiple occasions where I have had to grab a co-worker, take them in a private conference room, and allow them to vent, cry, and let their emotions flow in order to keep them from exploding and doing something they’ll regret.

But I will not participate!

I look at what is going on in the world right now and I am flabbergasted. The theme of this presidential election is one of extremes.

Donald Trump is building his campaign off of shock value, anger and silly sound bites. Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz. Bernie Sanders is unelectable because he is extreme on the opposite end of Trump. The powers that be will never let a liberal like him run the White House. Hillary Clinton looks like the best of the worst and incredibly unauthentic.

Moreover, laws are being crafted to allow people to use whatever bathroom you identify with regardless of your sexual orientation. People are literally going crazy and don’t get me started on what is happening on social media.

But I will not participate!

What more must I say?

I’ve found that the best way to avoid all the drama is to fly above it. I mainly keep to myself and do more observing than voicing my perspective.

Anton Daniels avoiding the drama

And I apply that both in real conversations and on social media platforms. When I do get involved, it has to be with a positive project or in a way I can make an impact in a good way. However I will not play into agendas.

Furthermore, it has to make sense. I never understand getting involved with problems just to get involved. How can I help make things better or resolve a real problem and not something we create without reason?

If it does not make sense, I am selective about even knowing about it.

Lastly, I have trained myself to be a better listener in addition to paying attention and carefully selecting what to get involved with. It is more important than ever to take this approach... my sanity and well being depend on it.

Perhaps your sanity and well being also deserve better!